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参考文献 |
Cemma, Marija and Grinstein, Sergio and Brumell, John H. (2016). Autophagy proteins are not universally required for phagosome maturation. Autophagy, 12(9), 1440--1446. Lei, Bo and Chen, Xiaofeng and Han, Xue and Zhou, Jiaan. (2012). Versatile fabrication of nanoscale sol--gel bioactive glass particles for efficient bone tissue regeneration. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(33), 16906--16913. Myung, Ja Hye and Gajjar, Khyati A and Chen, Jihua and Molokie, Robert E and Hong, Seungpyo. (2014). Differential detection of tumor cells using a combination of cell rolling, multivalent binding, and multiple antibodies. Analytical chemistry, 86(12), 6088--6094. Nonaka, K and Kajiura, Y and Bando, M and Sakamoto, E and Inagaki, Y and Lew, JH and Naruishi, K and Ikuta, T and Yoshida, K and Kobayashi, T and others. Advanced glycation end-products increase IL-6 and ICAM-1 expression via RAGE, MAPK and NF-$\kappa$B pathways in human gingival fibroblasts. Journal of Periodontal Research, .
使用文献 |
Cemma Marija, Grinstein Sergio, Brumell John H. (2016). Autophagy proteins are not universally required for phagosome maturation. Autophagy, 9, 1440--1446.
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