別品名 |
rGFP, GFP fusion protein
由来詳細 |
精製度 |
Ig fraction - Ion Exchange /Gel Filtration
適用 |
Western Blot Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Accession No.(Gene/Protein) |
タグ(タンパク質) |
発現系 |
形状 |
参考文献 |
[Pub Med ID]27599206, 27689803, 22171321
[注意事項] |
Western Blot of anti GFP monoclonal antibody. Lane 1: 64pg of recombinant GFP protein (p/n 000 001 215) were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates (p/n W09 000 364). Lane 2: 32pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 3: 16pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 4: 8pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 5: 4pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 6: 2pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 7: 1g of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 8: 0pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Primary antibody: anti GFP monoclonal antibody at 1:400 for overnight at 4C. Secondary antibody: HRP conjugated anti Mouse IgG (p/n 610 4302) was performed at a dilution of 1:20,000 for 1h at 4C. Block: TTBS (p/n MB 013) supplemented with 1% BSA (p/n BSA 50) for 1 h at 4C. Predicted/Observed size: 27 kDa for GFP. Other band(s): none.
"SDS-PAGE results of Recombinant GFP Control Protein. Lane 1: Recombinant GFP Control Protein Reduced (1.0μg). Lane 2: Opal Prestained Molecular Weight Marker (p/n MB-210-0500). Lane 3: Recombinant GFP Control Protein Non-Reduced (1.0μg). Predicted MW: ~28kDa. Observed MW: ~28kDa doublet, ~60kDa dimer. 4-20% Gel Coomassie Stained."
Immunoprecipitation/Western Blot using GFP Protein. Lane 1: Opal Prestained Molecular Weight Marker (p/n MB-210-0500). Lane 2: GFP Input (p/n 000-001-215) Reduced [10uL]. Primary IP Antibody: Mouse Anti-GFP (p/n 600-301-215) at 10ug overnight at 2-8C. Secondary Antibody: TrueBlot Anti-Mouse Ig IP Agarose Beads (p/n 00-8811-25) at 500ug for 1hr at RT. Buffer: BlockOut Buffer (p/n MB-073) for 30 mins at RT. Exposure: 7 sec.
Western Blot of anti GFP monoclonal antibody. Lane 1: 64pg of recombinant GFP protein (p/n 000 001 215) were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates (p/n W09 000 364). Lane 2: 32pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 3: 16pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 4: 8pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 5: 4pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 6: 2pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 7: 1g of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Lane 8: 0pg of recombinant GFP protein were spiked into a HeLa cell derived lysates. Primary antibody: anti GFP monoclonal antibody at 1:400 for overnight at 4C. Secondary antibody: HRP conjugated anti Mouse IgG (p/n 610 4302) was performed at a dilution of 1:20,000 for 1h at 4C. Block: TTBS (p/n MB 013) supplemented with 1% BSA (p/n BSA 50) for 1 h at 4C. Predicted/Observed size: 27 kDa for GFP. Other band(s): none.
メーカー |
品番 |
包装 |
100 UG
当社在庫 |
納期目安 |
保存温度 |