DyLightTM dyes can be used for two color western blot detection with low background and high signal.? Anti tubulin was detected using a DyLightTM 680 conjugate.? Anti TNFa was detected using a DyLightTM 800 conjugate. The image was captured using the OdysseyR Infrared Imaging System developed by LI COR.
Properties of DyLightTM Conjugates.
Properties of DyLight? Conjugates.
Western Blot showing detection of Golden Syrian Hamster IgG (Lane 2) and Armenian Hamster IgG (Lane 3) was run on a 4-20% gel and transferred to 0.45 um nitrocellulose. After blocking with 5% Blotto (p/n B501-0500) 30 min at 20C, Anti-Golden Syrian & Armenian Hamster IgG (H&L) (GOAT) Antibody DyLightTM 800 Conjugated (p/n 620-145-440) secondary antibody was used at 1:5000 in Blocking Buffer for Fluorescent Western Blotting (p/n MB-070) and imaged on the LiCor Odyssey imaging system. Molecular weight markers are in lane 1.