Anti MBL  

データシート 掲載ホームページ
種由来 Human
精製度 Affinity Purified
適用 IHC frozen section
Flow Cytometry
Immuno Assay
Functional Assay
免疫動物 Mouse
抗体クラス IgG1
クローン 3E7
添加剤 BSA free
形状 溶液
参考文献 1. Matsushita, M et al; Human mannose-binding protein is identical to a component of Ra-reactive factor. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1992, 183: 645
2. Hisano, S et al; Mesangial IgA2 deposits and lectin pathway-mediated complement activation in IgA glomerulonephritis. Am J Kidney Dis 2001, 38: 1082
3. Vries de, B et al; The mannose-binding lectin-pathway is involved in complement activation in the course of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Am J Pathol 2004, 165: 1677
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5. Nauta, A et al ; Opsonization with C1q and Mannose-binding lectin targets apoptotic cells to dendritic cells. J Immunol 2004, 173: 3044
6. Imai, N et al; Immunohistochemical evidence of activated lectin pathway in kidney allografts with peritubular capillary C4d deposition, Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 2006 21: 2589-2595.
7. Pol, P et al; Mannan-Binding Lectin Mediates Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Independent of Complement Activation; American Journal of Transplantation 2012; 12: 877
8. Shushimita, S et al; Mannan-Binding Lectin Is Involved in the Protection against Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Dietary Restriction. PLoSONE 2015, 10: e0137795
9. Poppelaars, F et al; Strong predictive value of mannose?‘binding lectin levels for cardiovascular risk of hemodialysis patients. J Transl Med 2016, 14:236


メーカー 品番 包装
HCB HM2061-500UG 500 UG
希望販売価格 ¥228,000


当社在庫 なし
納期目安 2週間程度
保存温度 4℃




メーカー名 Hycult Biotech (Former Hycultbiotechnology)
略号 HCB