別品名 |
3,3',5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine, TMB-M, TMBM
適用 |
Western Blot Immunohistochemistry
形状 |
参考文献 |
[Pub Med ID]33294855
Rockland TMB membrane substrate, chemiluminescent substrate and secondary antibodies detect rabbit primary antibodies in a variety of platforms. Shown here is a serial 1:1 dilution of control rabbit IgG protein (011-0102, 250ng starting total load) co incubated with Rockland HRP conjugated Goat anti Rabbit IgG (611-103-122) and Dylight 649 conjugated goat anti Rabbit (611-143-122) 1:20K in MB-070. Blot was dried and imaged (A) on Biorad Versa Doc (30 sec, DyLight649), (B) LiCor Odyssey Reader (700 nm), (C ) Rewetted incubated with Femtomax 110 reimaged using BioVersaDoc (for 60 sec), (D) Incubated with TMB substrate (TMBM-100) for 5 minutes and scanned, and (E) Rewetted for Chemiluminescence and imaged for 90 sec on the BioRad VersaDoc Imager,
Rockland TMB membrane substrate, chemiluminescent substrate and secondary antibodies detect rabbit primary antibodies in a variety of platforms. Shown here is a serial 1:1 dilution of control rabbit IgG protein (011-0102, 250ng starting total load) co incubated with Rockland HRP conjugated Goat anti Rabbit IgG (611-103-122) and Dylight 649 conjugated goat anti Rabbit (611-143-122) 1:20K in MB-070. Blot was dried and imaged (A) on Biorad Versa Doc (30 sec, DyLight649), (B) LiCor Odyssey Reader (700 nm), (C ) Rewetted incubated with Femtomax 110 reimaged using BioVersaDoc (for 60 sec), (D) Incubated with TMB substrate (TMBM-100) for 5 minutes and scanned, and (E) Rewetted for Chemiluminescence and imaged for 90 sec on the BioRad VersaDoc Imager,
メーカー |
品番 |
包装 |
100 ML
当社在庫 |
納期目安 |
保存温度 |