Ragweed pollen, Natural Particle  
Natural Particle (商標名)

その他 [粒径]19-20μm
参考文献 [[Cosmo Reference Collection]]
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Fukushima A., et al. Role of VLA-4 in the development of allergic conjunctivitis in mice. Mol Vis. 2006 Apr 7;12:310-7.
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Fukushima A., et al. B7-H3 regulates the development of experimental allergic conjunctivitis inmice. Immunol Lett. 2007 Oct 31;113(1):52-7.
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FukushimaA.,et al. Antibodies to T-cell Ig and mucin domain-containing proteins (Tim)-1 and -3 suppress the induction and progression ofmurine allergic conjunctivitis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Feb 2;353(1):211-6.
Sumi T., et al. CD27 and CD70 donotplaya critical role in the development of experimental allergic conjunctivitis in mice. Immunol Lett. 2008 Aug 15;119(1-2):91-6.
Fukushima A., et al. Notch ligand Delta-like4 inhibits the development of murine experimental allergic conjunctivitis.Immunol Lett. 2008 Dec 22;121(2):140-7.
Fukushima A., et al. Participation of CD11b and F4/80 molecules in the conjunctival eosinophilia of experimental allergic conjunctivitis. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2010;151(2):129-36.
メーカー 品番 包装
PSI 07673-1 1 G
希望販売価格 ¥53,000


当社在庫 なし
納期目安 2週間程度
保存温度 常温




メーカー名 Polysciences,Inc.
略号 PSI