
データシート 掲載ホームページ
別品名 7,4'-Dihydroxyisoflavone, 7-Hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one
別包装 あり
純度 >=97%
分子量 254.24
CAS RN® 486-66-8
化合物の概要 Phytoestrogen, isoflavone found in various plant sources such as soy.
構造 C15H10O4
溶媒 Soluble in ethanol or ether.
使用目的 Daidzein is a phytoestrogen and isoflavone initially found in various plant sources, including soybeans. Daidzein exhibits pro-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer chemotherapeutic, neuroprotective, immunomodulatory, anti-osteoporotic, anti-resorptive, anti-obesity, and antioxidative activities. Daidzein increases collagen synthesis and inhibits collagen degradation in fibroblasts by activating TGF-β/Smad signaling. In vivo, daidzein decreases TNF-α-induced lung inflammation, expression of Cxcl2, activation of NF-κB, and activity of PARP-1. In hepatic cancer cells, daidzein induces apoptosis, increases cytochrome c release and activation of caspases 3 and 9, and decreases cellular proliferation. In other in vitro models, daidzein increases neurite growth by increasing activity of PKC, ERK, and Src. In vivo, daidzein decreases ovariectomy-induced increases in CD4+ T cell levels; it also increases CD28+ T cell levels, decreases RANKL expression, and suppresses osteoclast formation. This compound inhibits adipogenic differentiation by increasing lipolysis in vitro. In vivo, daidzein increases levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione-S-transferase, inhibiting DMBA-induced breast cancer development.
その他 [融点]315℃-325℃(dec.)
[外観]Sliight Yellow Crystal Powder
参考文献 Li HY, Pan L, Ke YS, et al. Daidzein suppresses pro-inflammatory chemokine Cxcl2 transcription in TNF-α-stimulated murine lung epithelial cells via depressing PARP-1 activity. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2014 Apr;35(4):496-503. PMID: 24632845.Zhao D, Shi Y, Dang Y, et al. Daidzein stimulates collagen synthesis by activating the TGF-β/smad signal pathway. Australas J Dermatol. 2014 Mar 19. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 24645968.Park HJ, Jeon YK, You DH, et al. Daidzein causes cytochrome c-mediated apoptosis via the Bcl-2 family in human hepatic cancer cells. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 Oct;60:542-9. PMID: 23959101.Yanagihara K, Takigahira M, Mihara K, et al. Inhibitory effects of isoflavones on tumor growth and cachexia in newly established cachectic mouse models carrying human stomach cancers. Nutr Cancer. 2013;65(4):578-89. PMID: 23659450.Yang SH, Liao CC, Chen Y, et al. Daidzein induces neuritogenesis in DRG neuronal cultures. J Biomed Sci. 2012 Aug 29;19:80. PMID: 22931352.Tyagi AM, Srivastava K, Sharan K, et al. Daidzein prevents the increase in CD4+CD28null T cells and B lymphopoesis in ovariectomized mice: a key mechanism for anti-osteoclastogenic effect. PLoS One. 2011;6(6):e21216. PMID: 21731677.Kim MH, Park JS, Seo MS, et al. Genistein and daidzein repress adipogenic differentiation of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells via Wnt/β-catenin signalling or lipolysis. Cell Prolif. 2010 Dec;43(6):594-605. PMID: 21039998.Mishra P, Kar A, Kale RK. Prevention of chemically induced mammary tumorigenesis by daidzein in pre-pubertal rats: the role of peroxidative damage and antioxidative enzymes. Mol Cell Biochem. 2009 May;325(1-2):149-57. PMID: 19214712.Yokoyama S, Niwa T, Osawa T, Suzuki T. Characterization of an O-desmethylangolensin-producing bacterium isolated from human feces. Arch Microbiol. 2010 Jan;192(1):15-22. PMID: 19904524.


メーカー 品番 包装
LKT D0032 1 G
希望販売価格 ¥46,000


当社在庫 なし
納期目安 1週間程度
保存温度 常温




メーカー名 LKT Laboratories, Inc.
略号 LKT