OG488 BAPTA-1, hexapotassium salt [equivalent to Oregon Green(R) 488 BAPTA-1, hexapotassium salt] *Cell impermeant*  

データシート 掲載ホームページ
参考文献 Schnell C, Negm M, Driehaus J, Scheller A, Hulsmann S.. (2016). Norepinephrine-induced calcium signaling in astrocytes in the respiratory network of the ventrolateral medulla. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 226, 18.
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使用文献 Schnell C Negm M, Driehaus J, Scheller A, Hulsmann S. (2016). Norepinephrine-induced calcium signaling in astrocytes in the respiratory network of the ventrolateral medulla. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 18.


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