別品名 |
Nerve Growth Factor 2.5S
種由来 |
由来詳細 |
isolated from mouse submaxillary glands
発現系 |
純度 |
分子量 |
化合物の概要 |
Native Mouse Nerve Growth Factor
使用目的 |
神経成長因子(NGF:nerve growth factor)は、神経軸策の伸長及び神経伝達物質の合成促進作用、神経細胞の維持作用、細胞損傷時の修復作用、脳神経の機能回復を促し老化を防止する作用等を持ち合わせた重要なタンパク質です。特に、樹状突起の機能低下を防ぐ働きがアルツハイマー病や痴呆症の予防・治療に有効であると注目されています。
その他 |
[内容・その他(内容)]mNGF 2.5S is purified from male mouse submaxillary glands by a modification of the procedure described by Darling and Shooter (1984)(1). It is a protein with a molecular weight of 26 kDa (a dimer of identical subunits).
参考文献 |
1. Darling, T. and Shooter, E. M. (1984) "Methods for preparation and assay of nerve growth factor", Cell Culture Methods for Molecular and Cellular Biology, vol. 4 (Eds. D. W. Barnes, D.A. Sinbasku, and G.H. Sato), pp. 79-83, Alan R. Liss, New York. 2. Bradshaw, R. A. (1978) Ann. Rev. Biochem. 47, 191.
Alomone Labs Native mouse NGF?2.5S protein (>95%) promotes neurite outgrowth and survival?in PC12 cells. - Upper panel: PC12 cells were grown in absence of serum and in the presence of varying concentrations of Native?mouse NGF 2.5S protein (>95%)?(#N-100), the cell survival after 24 h was measured by XTT method and calculated as a relative percentage of the control and plotted against concentrations.?Lower panel:?PC12 cells were grown on collagen-coated plates in absence (1) or presence (2)?of 4?nM Native mouse NGF 2.5S protein (>95%).?The development of neurites over a period of?6 days was visualized by Methylene Blue staining.
Alomone Labs Native mouse NGF?2.5S protein (>95%) promotes neurite outgrowth and survival?in PC12 cells. - Upper panel: PC12 cells were grown in absence of serum and in the presence of varying concentrations of Native?mouse NGF 2.5S protein (>95%)?(#N-100), the cell survival after 24 h was measured by XTT method and calculated as a relative percentage of the control and plotted against concentrations.?Lower panel:?PC12 cells were grown on collagen-coated plates in absence (1) or presence (2)?of 4?nM Native mouse NGF 2.5S protein (>95%).?The development of neurites over a period of?6 days was visualized by Methylene Blue staining.
メーカー |
品番 |
包装 |
100 UG [0.1 mg]
当社在庫 |
納期目安 |
保存温度 |