Amplite(R) Universal Fluorimetric Protease Activity Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence*  
Amplite (商標名)

データシート 掲載ホームページ
励起波長 490
蛍光波長 525
検出系 蛍光
使用目的 サンプル中のプロテアーゼの抽出やコンタミネーションの有無を検出するルーチンワークで使用できるキットです。
構成内容 ・Protease基質 1 vial (300 μL), protected from light
・Trypsin 1 vial (100 μL, 5 U/μL)
・2X アッセイバッファー 1 bottle (30 mL)
参考文献 Brown, Joseph and Lu, Chia-Li and Coburn, Jeannine and Kaplan, David L. (2015). Impact of silk biomaterial structure on proteolysis. Acta biomaterialia, 11, 212--221.
Kumamoto, Junichi and Tsutsumi, Moe and Goto, Makiko and Nagayama, Masaharu and Denda, Mitsuhiro. (2016). Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollen allergen induces elevation of intracellular calcium in human keratinocytes and impairs epidermal barrier function of human skin ex vivo. Archives of dermatological research, 308(1), 49--54.
Ueki, Shigeharu and Konno, Yasunori and Takeda, Masahide and Moritoki, Yuki and Hirokawa, Makoto and Matsuwaki, Yoshinori and Honda, Kohei and Ohta, Nobuo and Yamamoto, Shiori and Takagi, Yuri and others. (2016). Eosinophil extracellular trap cell death--derived DNA traps: Their presence in secretions and functional attributes. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 137(1), 258--267.
Pritchard, Eleanor M and Valentin, Thomas and Boison, Detlev and Kaplan, David L. (2011). Incorporation of proteinase inhibitors into silk-based delivery devices for enhanced control of degradation and drug release. Biomaterials, 32(3), 909--918.
使用文献 Nakanishi S, Kumamoto J, Denda M. (2018). Tranexamic acid blocks the thrombin-mediated delay of epidermal permeability barrier recovery induced by the cedar pollen allergen, Cry j1. Scientific reports, 1, 15610.



メーカー 品番 包装
ABD 13500 1 KIT
[500 Tests]
希望販売価格 ¥48,000


当社在庫 あり
保存温度 -20℃




メーカー名 AAT Bioquest, Inc. (Former ABDBioquest, Inc.)
略号 ABD