Capsaicin, natural  

別品名 Axsain, Mioton, Zacin, Zostrix, (6E)-N-[(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-8- methyl-6-nonenamide
別包装 あり
純度 >=95%, capsaicinoids content
分子量 305.41
CAS RN® 404-86-4
化合物の概要 Found in Capsicum; TRPV agonist.
構造 C18H27NO3
溶媒 Soluble in ether, benzene, and chloroform. Practically insoluble in cold water.
使用目的 Capsaicin is an agonist of transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) channels that was originally found in peppers of the Capsicum genus. Capsaicin exhibits analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and anticancer chemotherapeutic activity. Capsaicin also displays bronchoconstrictive activity and is used as a natural irritant. In vivo, this compound desensitizes TRPV1 channels, inhibiting thermal and mechanical hyperalgesia. In other animal models, capsaicin inhibits adipogenesis, decreases metabolic dysregulation, activates PPARα, and suppresses weight gain and fat deposition. Capsaicin also induces apoptosis via ROS and disruption of the mitochondrial membrane and inhibits tumor growth in cellular and animal models of prostate cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma.This mixture contains capsaicin, ?65%, dihydrocapsaicin, ~20%, and nordihydrocapsaicin, ~4 %.
その他 [融点]65℃
[外観]Slight yellowish-white powder[沸点]210℃ -220℃
参考文献 Diaz-Laviada I, Rodriguez-Henche N. The potential antitumor effects of capsaicin. Prog Drug Res. 2014;68:181-208. PMID: 24941670.Leung FW. Capsaicin as an anti-obesity drug. Prog Drug Res. 2014;68:171-9. PMID: 24941669.Kissin I. Vanilloid-induced conduction analgesia: selective, dose-dependent, long-lasting, with a low level of potential neurotoxicity. Anesth Analg. 2008 Jul;107(1):271-81. PMID: 18635498.Jensen PG, Curtis PD, Dunn JA, et al. Field evaluation of capsaicin as a rodent aversion agent for poultry feed. Pest Manag Sci. 2003 Sep;59(9):1007-15. PMID: 12974352.


メーカー 品番 包装
LKT C0266 1 G
希望販売価格 ¥52,000


当社在庫 なし
納期目安 1週間程度
保存温度 4℃




メーカー名 LKT Laboratories, Inc.
略号 LKT